Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sly Moore

Sly Moore is Palpatine's staff aide. Sly wields huge power because Sly controls access to the Chancellor. She is an Umbaran. Umbarans have an ability to use peoples minds to subtly influence, and even control, others. Sly Moore is one of the few who knew Palpatine's secret identity as Darth Sidious. Palpatine rescued Sly from a tomb haunted by dead Sith Lords, where a Zabrak assassin had imprisoned her. Palpatine helped Sly to recuperate. Palpatine even trained her in the ways of the dark side. In Palpatine's administration. Sly holds the spot that Sei Taria had in Chancellor Valorum's time. Some say that Sly must have threatened the committed and dedicated Sei Taria with blackmail. Sly has Eyes that see only in ultraviolet light. Sly Moore is 5ft 8 in tall.   

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Yuzzum are furry aliens with long limbs. The home planet of Yuzzum are the forest moon of Endor. Yuzzum speak a music like language that makes them natural singers. Jabba's palace is home to two Yuzzum:singer Joh Yowza and sharp shooter Wam Lufba. Wam Lufba's main job is to keep an eye on new arrivals at Jabba's palace Joh Yowsa sings in the Max Rebo Band in Jabba's palace. Yowza was a runt on Endor and excluded from Yuzzum activities, so he began to sing. After Jabba died he started a new band. The  Height of a Yuzzum is about 4f 7 in.   


8D8 is Jabba the hut's droid torturer. 8D8 works at Jabba's palace on Tatooine as a droid torturer. His job is to ensure all the droids and slaves know their place. The 8-series are heavy labor industrial droids with crude personalities. 8D8 inhabits a dismal room in the under levels of Jabba's palace. He uses hot bands to melt the casings of lazy droids. Sometimes 8D8 inflicts harm just for fun. His height is 5ft 9 in. 8D8 has ultraviolet photoreceptors, Rotation servo, Logic processor module, and a universal pelvic mount.


4-LOM is protocol droid turned Bounty Hunter.4-LOM has an insect-like face he used to be a sophisticated protocol droid made to resemble the species it served. He was a luxury liner droid but it overwrote his programming and he began a life of crime. Darth Vader hired 4-LOM and others once to locate the millennium falcon.4-LOM often teams up with bounty hunter Zuckuss. One time  he worked for the Rebellion against the Empire but than later returns to his dirty ways. 4-LOM has Compound photoreceptors, a battered black droid paint, and a Blastech W-90 concussion rifle. 4-LOM'S height is 5ft 2 in.

Monday, January 28, 2013


2-1B is a surgical droid that has been around since Republic times. He was there at Hoth and healed Luke when he got attacked by a Wampa. He was also rebuilding the burned body of Darth Vader. Also he gave Luke his new hand when it got cut of by Darth Vader. The droids are equipped with encyclopedic memory banks. His height is 4ft 11 in. He has a fine motion hand, a hydraulic leg, and a stabilizing foot.