Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sly Moore

Sly Moore is Palpatine's staff aide. Sly wields huge power because Sly controls access to the Chancellor. She is an Umbaran. Umbarans have an ability to use peoples minds to subtly influence, and even control, others. Sly Moore is one of the few who knew Palpatine's secret identity as Darth Sidious. Palpatine rescued Sly from a tomb haunted by dead Sith Lords, where a Zabrak assassin had imprisoned her. Palpatine helped Sly to recuperate. Palpatine even trained her in the ways of the dark side. In Palpatine's administration. Sly holds the spot that Sei Taria had in Chancellor Valorum's time. Some say that Sly must have threatened the committed and dedicated Sei Taria with blackmail. Sly has Eyes that see only in ultraviolet light. Sly Moore is 5ft 8 in tall.   

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